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Blog 8-26-3

Blog 8-26-3

Ever wonder how your Twitter account is performing beyond your notifications? Twitter Analytics is a free and easy way to see what’s happening on your account and to gauge how you should move forward with your social media strategy. We’ve broken down the benefits that Twitter analytics has to offer.

To get to your Twitter Analytics panel, press the account icon at the top right of your desktop screen and click “Analytics” in the scroll box.

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After you press the Analytics link, you will see this:

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There are many different types of insights you’ll see here. Don’t be discouraged if your 28 day summary at the top is predominantly down in percentages because they change day by day and are only a comparison with the month before.If you scroll down a bit, you’ll see the general analytics for the month before, which makes it very easy to compare how you have done in a bigger spectrum moving forward. You can also see the top tweet, follower, mention, and top media tweet thus far for the month.

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When you click the “Tweets” button on the panel at the top of your page, all your tweets for the month will come up as well as a bar graph of your impressions for every day. This is great to see which days you had a peak in engagement. As you can see here, there is a large peak on August 13th. This was due to our top tweet from this month.

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Specifically, this tweet is what caused the spike in analytics. You can see that the tweet includes an image and Twitter usernames from local breweries here in Charlotte. The different usernames and hashtags led to a high amount of engagement.

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If you press the “Followers” button on the top panel, you can gain general demographic information on who is following your account. This can be very helpful moving forward on what type of content you distribute.

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Now that you know the basics of Twitter Analytics, you can use this information to learn more about your account and followers! Let us know any cool findings you come across while looking through your analytics by tagging us on Twitter: @socialapemktg

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