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As the end of the year draws near, you may wonder how to pitch the media during the holidays. Some traditional publications may be on hiatus, so reaching out may seem impossible. Fortunately, there are some tricks of the trade you can use to ensure your pitches get noticed. Here are a few tips and suggestions for pitching the media during the holidays.

  1. Know when the publication may be taking time off, send an email inquiring about this.
  2. Find out when the producers, anchors, and reporters you pitch regularly are taking time off. Ask who will be the best contact at that time.
  3. They need content! As producers, anchors, and reporters are given time off this will short-staff the crew. Try pitching a few segment ideas that can be taped at one time and aired when needed during the holidays. 
  4. Make sure your client(s) are available to talk or do the interview. Know ahead of time what dates are not good for them. Nothing is more frustrating for a producer or reporter than getting a story only to have calls go unanswered.
  5. Be thankful. Remember some reporters and producers do not have time off for the holidays. Keep in mind they are missing out on holiday festivities and time with loved ones. Take time to thank them for working on the holiday and for doing a great job with the story. 

Having your business featured in the media can be extremely difficult without knowing the right people to contact or how to send that perfect holiday pitch. Learn how Social Ape Marketing can help grow your business with our expert PR team. Contact us here to learn more.

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