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Having an established Facebook page for your business is crucial when it comes to social media marketing. People will look to your Facebook page to see things such as your business’ hours or testimonials from other customers, as well as general business updates. In a time when people are spending so much of their day on social media, it is important to know how to catch their eye. Keep reading to find out how to increase engagement on your business’ Facebook page.

Post Educational Content

Posting tips and tricks about the products or services your business offers is a great way to get your audience to engage with your posts. Whether this is just a hack that you have learned that you would like to share or a step-by-step tutorial on how to best use a product, your audience will appreciate you showing them. When creating content for your Facebook page, think about what will improve your audience’s day-to-day life. Another thing to think about is how the content you are sharing will be useful to your audience. By sharing educational content on your Facebook page you are sure to see engagement numbers go up and establish a greater connection with your audience.

Utilize Facebook Live

In a world where everything has gone virtual, Facebook Live gives businesses the chance to interact with their audience on a live stream and answer any questions people may have. This is a great way to get to know your audience and who they are, as well as what they are looking for from your business. A way to utilize Facebook Live is to ask your audience what questions they have and then head to Live to do a Q&A session. This not only gets your audience engaged by asking questions but then also brings them to your live stream to learn more about your business.

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Add a Call-to-Action Button

Depending on your business goals, you can choose a call-to-action (CTA) button that will help to better guide your audience. CTA buttons can help your audience do things like sign-up for your newsletter or shop through your new collection. The CTA is all up to you! You can also include a CTA within your posts to be more direct with your audience. If you are advertising your business’ new spring collection, then adding a CTA button at the end of your post directing them to the collection’s website page simplifies the process and helps your audience get there without them having to do the work to find it. By using CTA buttons you can help navigate your audience to the right place and increase conversions.

Post Videos

Video content does extremely well on Facebook and should be posted directly to the platform rather than in an attached link. Sharing videos is a great way to get your audience talking, whether it be general feedback or specific questions for your business. Facebook has noted that video posts have higher engagement compared to posts that only have text. Whether you are posting video content straight to your Facebook feed or jumping on to Live, video content is sure to increase engagement.

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Ask Questions

By asking questions, you can encourage your audience to engage with you and start a discussion. When looking to do this on your posts, make sure to avoid asking questions that are answered in only one word. By asking broader questions such as how your audience does something, you can spark a larger discussion and then your audience may even respond to each other and keep the engagement going. Another great question to ask your audience is what they would like to see more of from your business, either in general or specifically across social media pages. Asking your audience questions is a great way to get them involved, get feedback, and increase engagement all at once.

Host Contests or Giveaways

Hosting contests and giveaways through Facebook can help increase brand awareness as well as boost engagement. By hosting a contest or giveaway where people are required to comment and repost to enter, you will automatically see higher engagement. Doing this will also increase your audience as people will want to enter to win free stuff after they see their friends reposting your post. By making contest and giveaway rules that include requiring users to repost to either their feed or story as well commenting and tagging friends, your page is sure to see engagement numbers grow. But only use giveaways every so often. You don’t want to clog up your audience’s feed or diminish the excitement of entering if you do them too regularly.

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Are you ready to implement a social media marketing strategy to boost engagement? Social Ape is here to help! Contact our team today to get started.

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