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You have probably heard of Google Search Console but might be curious about what it actually entails. Google Search Console is a tool designed by Google to help users improve their website’s performance on Google Search. The tools provided in Google Search Console help users measure their site’s search traffic and performance, as well as fix issues to improve performance.

Google Search Console shows users search analytics that share which queries bring users to the website. With search analytics, users are able to analyze how their website is currently doing on Google Search and its engagement level. Search analytics show website impressions, clicks and position on Google Search.

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The goal of Google Search Console is for website owners to understand how their website is currently being viewed on Google Search and share insights on how to improve search results. To ensure your website is showing up on Google, you can submit sitemaps as well as individual URLs for crawling. Google Search Console also allows users to review index coverage to ensure that Google has the most up-to-date view of your website. All of these features are part of Google Search Console’s initiative to get your website’s content on Google.


Google Search Console enables users to understand how their site is viewed by Google. The URL inspection tool within Google Search Console provides detailed information on Google’s crawling and indexing of your website, direct from the Google index. Crawling is when Google discovers all of your website’s data and indexing is when Google learns about the purpose of all your site’s pages so that they can appear in search results. The URL inspection tool also provides information about serving the website. Serving is how Google responds to someone searching and then serves or delivers your website as a result within a certain ranking.

Google Search Console alerts users of issues within their website and how they should be fixed to optimize performance. The tool will send users email alerts when something is wrong with the website. Users will be able to see exactly which pages on the website are affected and then tell Google when they have been fixed.

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Google Search Console is a great tool for business owners to understand how their website is being viewed in Google Search and faring against competitors while providing valuable insight for optimizing their site for maximum search performance. Utilizing Google Search Console is a great way to continually optimize your website for maximum performance on Google and ensure that your website is getting the right traffic.

Ready to optimize your website for maximum performance on Google? Social Ape is here to help. Contact our team today to get started!

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