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It’s no secret. Sometimes businesses experience slower seasons. While you may not be hosting any major events, announcing new menu items or showcasing a fresh service offering, business owners should aim to keep their brand top of mind for reporters and potential customers at all times. Like the evergreen tree, evergreen pitches last year-round and are always relevant rather than being tied to a timely topic or event. This is why evergreen content is essential.

Perfect your evergreen pitch strategy with a few of our favorite pointers:

Do Your Research

  • Before pitching, it’s important to research the best possible target. Ensuring you’re pitching the most appropriate contact is imperative for evergreen content. Reporters are busy people. Don’t waste their time or yours on a topic they likely wouldn’t cover. Similarly, keep a pulse on the climate. Avoid sending an evergreen pitch during breaking news or other timely events. For example, it would have been tough for an evergreen pitch to break through the noise the week Major League Soccer announced Charlotte was awarded a team.

Paint a Picture of What The Story Could Look Like

  • Because evergreen pitches are relevant at any time of year, you’ll need to go above and beyond to make your pitch come to life. How could your television segment be interactive or visually appealing? Would a profile of a team member include a walk-through of a kitchen or a demonstration? Ensure the reporter will want to cover it at that time. Include relevant links and photos in your pitch and provide a resource for possible interview subjects.

Map Out a Calendar 

  • It’s beneficial to piece together a rough timeline for evergreen topics rather than pitching ad hoc. First, create a calendar of business news that will have a hard pitch deadline. This would include events, menu rollouts, etc. Next, identify the slower periods and plan evergreen pitches for those calmer weeks. That way, you aren’t over-saturating reporters with your news.

Develop a Bureau of Topics

  • Planning out evergreen topics in advance will save you time in the long run. Start by identifying topics that are relevant to your industry, techniques your business is proud of or services people might want to know more about. Other topic ideas include a spotlight on workplace culture or profiles of team members. For example, a restaurant might want to pitch a knife-sharpening safety demonstration on a local news station ahead of Thanksgiving.

Are you ready to integrate evergreen content into your marketing strategy? The Social Ape team is here to help. Contact us to begin building out your public relations plan.

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