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Our Meet the Media Monday series continues this week! The series features a brief Q&A with leading Charlotte media as we get to know the faces behind the stories that matter most in the Queen City. This week, meet Molly Grantham of WBTV.

Molly is one of Charlotte’s leading journalists. You may recognize her from her lead anchor spot on WBTV’s news at 5:30 and 11 p.m. Aside from her role on WBTV, she’s an author, has covered investigative reporting, emcees many events and has even won an Emmy (no big deal). Learn more about Molly below!

If you could anchor for any show what would it be?

MG: “60 Minutes. A reporter on the show.”

Something people would be surprised to learn about you?

MG: “I don’t cook. Is that surprising?”

If you weren’t a journalist/anchor what would you be?

MG: “An executive director for a non-profit. Or, a writer.”

What are the challenges you face being a journalist/anchor in 2019?

MG: “Misconceptions about the industry and the word ‘fake.’”

What’s your favorite social media platform? (both professionally and personally) 

MG: “All my personal are my professional. It all blurs together so why keep separate? I suppose either Facebook or Instagram. Twitter is good for fast news updates, but not life stuff.”

What’s one thing you wish you could change about Charlotte?

MG: “Not sure it’s a ‘change,’ but I’d love to help brand Charlotte with better names. ‘Queen City’ feels tired. ‘Charlotte’s got a lot’ doesn’t really say much. We don’t seem to have a real identity except that when people arrive, they love us. It’s more than ‘Bank Town’ or ‘NASCAR’ but a name that feels right would be fun to tout.”

What has surprised you the most (good or bad) about Charlotte? 

MG: “Nothing, really. Overall, I think it’s an easy city to love and delivers what you end up hearing about it elsewhere. It’s a big, small town… And I think we do that well.”

What’s your favorite season in Charlotte and why? 

MG: “Summer. The beach is just over three hours away.”

Want to learn more about WBTV? Head to their website or follow along on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook for the latest.

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