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Facebook is updating its photo album feature this month that will allow users to add videos, check-ins and text, apart from the usual photos.

Now, users can organize their memories into one place, essentially a feature that lets you create a digital scrapbook of all kinds of media. Facebook described the purpose of the update to TechCrunch, writing “Gone on a surf trip recently? Share videos of you tacking your waves, your check-in at the pier, a photo of your board and more – in a single album.”

Along with the new update to Albums, Facebook integrated an option to follow (or unfollow) your friend’s albums. This feature allows users to see everything added to an album through notifications (that can be turned on and off,) just in case the updates on their news feeds. 

Similar to the iPhone’s “Photos” and Google’s “Photos,” users can invite their friends to add their own content to share with the group. Users can also mark an album as a favorite, which lists the assortment directly on your profile page. 

The Albums update has already rolled out for desktop and Android users, but iOS users will see have to wait for theirs. Stay tuned! 

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