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The mountains are yearning.

The mountains are yearning.

It’s a question we all ask ourselves. No matter if you’re an expert, newbie, or just a casual user: When and where should I post on social media for the most engagement?

The best times to post vary by industry, social media channels, and your audience. There’s no magic number but, knowing your target audience and how they use social media are key components for a successful campaign.

Recently, TrackMaven, a marketing analytics software provider analyzed 17.5 million social media posts by 17,737 brands to find the most popular times to deploy your content.


It’s important for a business to develop a channel-specific strategy for delivering their content.The report also breaks down popular post times by day for various types of businesses on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. From fashion to restaurants, these are the best times to reach the most engagement within a few industries.

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You can view the rest of TrackMaven’s cheat sheet here.

Notice that even within industries, the best times to post vary by social channel. For example, the best time to tweet for a restaurant is Friday at 1 p.m. EST but, on Instagram the best time to post is Wednesday at 4 p.m. EST.

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One Comment

  • Andy Burger says:

    Usually before 9 or 10am and then at lunch at 12 and after 4-5pm when people are less busy. Still post throughout the day but Saturday is slower than Sunday and weekdays are usually the most busy

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