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A regular newsletter sent to an audience of potential customers is a valuable resource to have in your marketing arsenal. Those interested in updates about your business can opt-in to receive valuable news, promotions and more. But consumers receive dozens of marketing newsletters in their inbox every day, which can make it difficult to ensure that your newsletter is read. Read below to learn how you can create a newsletter that will actually be read by your audience.

Subject Lines

  • A boring subject line can be a one-way ticket to the trash folder. Don’t use generic wording for your subject line like “May Newsletter.” Make it engaging and personal. Create a sense of urgency and intrigue by asking a question that your audience can find the answer to by opening your newsletter. 

Call to Action

  • Once your newsletter is opened, keep the attention of your subscribers by making a clear Call-to-Action. This is the actionable step that you hope readers will take after opening your newsletter, like clicking on your website page to view updated hours or clicking a link to shop an online sale. Whatever it is, make sure your call-to-action is easy to understand and click. 


  • Images are a perfect way to break up text and keep your newsletter eye-catching so that subscribers will continue to read. Make sure images match your overall brand aesthetic and are sized correctly to fit your newsletter template. Add link images that point to a relevant URL. 


  • If a newsletter looks sloppy and unprofessional, chances are that subscribers will send it straight to their spam folder. Email marketing providers like MailChimp offer templates that you can easily edit and re-design to fit your needs. Place your logo at the top of the newsletter so that subscribers know exactly who the email is from. Use headings and dividers to break up the different sections the same way that a physical newsletter does. The font, colors and tone of the newsletter should all match your brand.

Mobile Optimization

  • With many subscribers reading emails from their smartphones, your newsletter should be easy to read from mobile devices. Most email marketing providers allow you to review what your newsletter will look like when appearing on phones so that you can adjust accordingly if text and images appear differently from desktop to mobile.  


  • When you first kick off your campaign, test different subject lines to see which version creates more engagement. You can also test different times of day or days of the week to send your newsletter to your audience to determine the best time based on the number of opens. 

Are you ready to create a newsletter to remember? Contact the team at Social Ape to help you create your next email marketing campaign!

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