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It’s time for another Meet the Media Monday! The series features a brief Q&A with leading Charlotte media members as we get to know the faces behind the stories that matter most in the Queen City. This week, meet Michele Huggins of Charlotte Parent.

Michele is one of Charlotte’s leading parenting and events journalists – having spent 10 years at Charlotte Parent and five as Editor. Currently, Michele’s role as Editor of Charlotte Parent has led her to write about all things children and parents in the Queen City, from weekend activities to health. We caught up with Michele over coffee to discuss yoga, hidden gems *cough* Belmont *cough* and everything in between.

What’s the craziest story you’ve ever covered?

MH: “Definitely ‘What’s The Craziest Thing Your Child Has Put In Their Ear Or Nose.’ It was a sponsored post and contest.”

If you could write for any publication what would it be?

MH: “National Geographic. I love to travel. I love really interesting stories about people outside of the mainstream.”

Something people would be surprised to learn about you?

MH: “I traveled to and lived for a little bit in Central America. I’ve traveled in Southeast Asia and Europe. These were pre-kids and pre-Charlotte Parent days.”

If you weren’t an editor what would you be?

MH: “A naturopathic doctor or a nutritionist. I’m very interested in how you can eat for your health, as well as preventive and holistic healthcare.

What attracted you to journalism? 

MH: “Storytelling and how visuals work with words. I was drawn to magazines and the way you put the pictures and design with your words to tell the whole story. I like to hear stories and I like to tell stories. With Charlotte Parent, I never had the intention of going into hard news, and I like to create content that connects and can help people. I hope Charlotte Parent does that.”

What are the challenges you face being a journalist or editor in 2019?

MH: “Resources. Technology makes it doable but I’m the only in-house editor. I have a good, small team of freelancers that I work with. I would like to have a team of editors in house and brainstorm more and do more.”

What’s your favorite social media platform? (both professionally and personally) 

MH: “Personally, I am drawn to Instagram. I like less of the chatter and more visuals. Professionally, I enjoy Facebook because I can look at some of the mom groups and see what’s on moms’ minds.”

How long have you lived in Charlotte? What brought you here? 

MH: “I was born here and lived here until I went to college. I went to UNC, and stayed in Chapel Hill for a couple of years after college. I came back to Charlotte in my late 20s.” Yes, Michele is a “unicorn.”

What’s your favorite activity in Charlotte?

MH: “My husband and I love to go out and eat good food. We aren’t ‘foodies’ but we enjoy good restaurants and trying new things. We love Good Food on Montford. I love going to hear live music and being outdoors.”

Favorite restaurant for kids?

MH: “Going with our neighborhood go-to: Eddie’s Place. They have a little bit of everything, it’s family-friendly and quick. Also Pizza Peel and Pure Pizza, and my son and I love Sushi Guru.”

What’s one thing you wish you could change about Charlotte?

MH: “Traffic! It’s maddening. I hope they get the Lynx and trains going in more directions.”

What has surprised you the most (good or bad) about Charlotte? 

MH: “I am amazed at the amount of the apartments being built and that there are people to fill them.”

What’s your favorite season in Charlotte and why? 

MH: “It used to be summer but now that it’s 1,000 degrees so now it’s fall!”

Want to learn more about Charlotte Parent? Head to their website or follow along on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook for the latest.

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