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When people think of public relations, many may picture a team of handlers dealing with a sweeping issue that has far-reaching public ramifications. While large-scale crises like a data breach or faulty product can and do happen, a crisis can also happen on a smaller scale. No matter the size of your business or perceived crisis, it’s important to have a crisis communications plan in place. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Time is of the Essence

News spreads quickly, especially bad news. The speed is now further compounded thanks to social media. Once an issue is underway, taking the time to formulate a response and get a plan in place can cost your business precious time. The court of public opinion wants to see a response, not silence.

Consistency is Key 

Putting a crisis plan in place ahead of time ensures that all vital players of an organization are on the same page on how to respond. It reflects poorly on an already embattled company if its leaders are not unified in their response, creating more confusion and a lack of trust for the public.

Address All Possible Scenarios

Developing a plan allows you to discuss all possible crisis scenarios for your business and in turn, create appropriate responses. Of course, no crisis plays out the same and unforeseen issues arise in real-time, but discussing potential issues in advance without the stress of an actual problem ensures that your team is as prepared as possible. 

Prep as Much as Possible Ahead of Time

Even though every issue is different, there are many things your team can do beforehand to save time once a crisis does arise. Draft a media statement and social media posts for any possible issue that could arise within your company. Have a designated spokesperson prepped and talking points ready for media inquiries. Each of these drafts can be tailored accordingly once an issue does arise. 

Is your business ready to craft a crisis communications plan? Social Ape Marketing is ready to help! Contact us now to get started.

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