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It’s time for another Meet the Media Monday! The series features a brief Q&A with leading Charlotte media members as we get to know the faces behind the stories that matter most in the Queen City. This week, meet Page Fehling of Good Day Charlotte.

You may recognize Page. She’s one of Charlotte’s leading TV personalities, but she’s also a woman of many talents. Currently, Page juggles her morning lead anchor role at Fox 46, her podcast with husband Jake called Date Night with Jake & Page and motherhood — among other things. We caught up with Page to discuss podcasts, her sleep schedule and everything in between.

If you could tell any story what would it be?

PF: Profiles on people, getting to know people in the community. I do Page’s Pep Rallies on Friday mornings in the fall at schools to talk about cool things going on in schools and great things going on with young people — young people doing positive things in the community. I like stories that let you get a glimpse without a news hook and that’s cool. When you get to know a person it’s hard not to find common ground.

What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?

PF: I live on a family compound with 13 people. I also never planned to be working. I thought I would be a stay-at-home mom. I’m bad at it and love working. It made me really appreciate people who do that and do it well (being a stay-at-home mom). Some people kick ass at it and I do not.

If you weren’t an anchor what would you be?

PF: I would be a teacher, but for adults.

(Page and husband Jake teach public speaking classes here in Charlotte.)

What attracted you to journalism? 

PF: I’ve always been a consumer of television news, especially morning news. I like the feeling of getting the news from your friends. Morning TV is the same thing as going to coffee with your friends. I would die being on the evening news. It’s not my skill set. I lived and died by Oprah. It never occurred to me that I would and could do this for a living. In college, I wrote notes while I was traveling and Molly Grantham (of WBTV) told me I should go into journalism and I was like, “Okay!”

What are the challenges you face being a journalist?

PF: The sleep! The tiredness. That’s the biggest for sure. It’s hard sometimes being on so early because no one else is awake to confirm facts. If anyone ever wants to book me as a guest or interview it’s hard because I’m asleep when other people are awake.

What is your day-to-day? 

PF: I wake up at 2 a.m., get to the studio around 3 to 3:30 a.m. and I’m typically done between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. Then I nap! Sometimes I work in some form of exercise. I’ve always been a napper. I’m wired to be a morning person. If you ask me to anchor at 10 p.m. I would be a zombie.

What’s your favorite social media platform? (both professionally and personally) 

PF: Instagram, Instagram, Instagram! I prefer Instagram Stories more than the feed. Stories are abbreviated, more fun and a visual way of getting the news. Glimpses of life!

(Give her a follow @pagefehling!)

How long have you lived in Charlotte? What brought you here? 

PF: I moved here in 2013. My brother has been here since 2002 when he signed with the Panthers. I said for years if a morning show at a Fox station opened up that I would move here.

What’s your favorite activity in Charlotte?

PF: For family, we love going to Charlotte Knights games and brewery and restaurant jumping for date nights.

What’s one thing you could change about Charlotte?

PF: I wish Charlotte’s history, culture and uniqueness could be brought to the surface more readily. I like Plaza Midwood because of its diversity and cool funkiness.

What has surprised you the most about Charlotte? 

PF: How spread out it is. Because of that, it’s harder to make friends here. In Raleigh, we had built-in friends from college and here we have more of our family. I love that there’s so much to Charlotte and so much we enjoy. I’d just like more friends we can see consistently.

How did you get into podcasting?

PF: We started a segment here at Fox 46 with Kelly and Thomas Davis, but then went to their house and it was totally different. When you see people in a couple they change as people. We’re tickled to show them (couples) off. I’m a huge podcast listener. How much can you get in on 3 to 5 minutes on TV?

What is your favorite podcast?

PF: Armchair Expert!

Want to learn more about Good Day Charlotte? Head to their website or follow along on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook for the latest.

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