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Social media marketing can be one of your most effective tools to increase awareness and drive sales. Here are 5 ways small businesses can use social media marketing to gain new customers.

Let Your Fans Promote You

If customers are already praising you on social media for free, consider contacting them with an offer, freebie or discount if they’ll keep it up or use your official hashtags. Their smaller account may not have the reach of an influencer with 100K followers, but then again their appreciation is genuine and their help comes with a cheaper price tag. Even a shoutout or a retweet goes a long way.

Run Contests and Deals

Whether you’re trying to build your followers or increase engagement with the ones you already have, both contests and deals can be a great way to do achieve your goals. Certain contests may encourage user-generated-content which, in turn, helps with content creation. Examples include sharing an exclusive coupon code shared with your followers for a percentage off a future purchase or a giveaway that asks people to tag friends and follow your page for a chance to win.

Post the Content Your Followers Want

Many businesses make the mistake of posting dry, straightforward content to their feeds. People don’t spend time on social media because they like infomercials. You want to get the word out about your business and the best way to do that is with content that people are actually drawn to. Pay attention to what kinds of posts are popular on each platform and figure out how you can fit them to your message. Pro tip: a picture is worth a thousand words.

Use Social Media Advertising

Organic social media marketing will only get you so far. If you want to maximize your reach and lead generation, it pays to pay. Paid ads can benefit businesses of all sizes, from the smallest startup to the biggest corporation. For little spend, you can get your business in front of thousands of eyes in the form of an Instagram story, Facebook messenger ad, promoted tweet or Youtube video ad, growing your reach and your bottom line in the process.

Provide Customer Service

Growing a business is about more than sales. You’ve got to keep customers happy, so that they keep coming back, tell their friends and leave glowing reviews on your product or service page. Whether it’s questions or complaints, social media has become a popular place for customers to seek customer support in recent years. It also helps to be proactive and actually seek out people who are confused about your product or venting their frustrations without directly contacting your page.

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