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Influencer marketing is quickly becoming one of the most popular and effective methods for brands to reach a large, highly-focused audience and increase awareness about their products and services. As additional data is published on the success of these kinds of partnerships, more executives are putting marketing spend towards creative collaborations with influencers.

To take an influencer marketing campaign from A to Z and to do it well, follow these four steps to keep your eyes on the prize.

Set Clear Campaign Goals

What does this particular project aim to do? Is your brand focused on using this campaign to build awareness of your product or service, or are you set on driving website or foot traffic? Consider revenue. Is this your number one goal? Ultimately, your endgame will affect several key factors as you map out your next steps — budget, partners, marketing materials, etc.

Target the Right Partners

When harnessed properly, influencer collaborations can allow you to get in front of a highly-focused niche audience. Take it back to Marketing 101. Who is your ideal customer? What is their demographic? What other brands are they buying? Start there. If you’re focused on driving the sale of outdoor power tools, chances are you don’t want to waste time reaching out to foodies or fashionistas. Focus on identifying the movers and shakers in DIY, home renovation, and woodworking.

Be Clear in Your Ask

Upon beginning outreach to potential partners, take time to craft clear, concise messaging that makes it totally black and white when it comes to what you’re looking for. How can this engagement be mutually beneficial for both your company or brand and the influencer? How will you achieve it? What are your expectations as far as photography, content, and timing? If your messaging is muddled, there can be a lot of time wasted in unnecessary back-and-forth. Be efficient.

Engage, Engage, Engage

From start to finish, make it clear to influencers that you’re excited about any and all collaborative efforts. At the end of the day, you absolutely should be! Be genuine and intentional about every piece of communication. Authenticity is key during all stages — outreach, follow up, and even when resharing the user-generated content. Reposting content (per your contractual terms) is encouraged!

Did we miss something? Let us know or reach out if you’re interested in learning more about kickstarting your next influencer campaign. Contact us here.

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