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Pitching to media is one of the key elements of public relations. Cultivating relationships with media, identifying compelling stories, crafting the messaging, and finding the right reporter to help tell that all lead up to kicking things off with a polished pitch.

With inboxes flooded with press releases and pitches, it’s important to make your outreach stand out among the rest. Here are a few of our top tips:

  • Get to the point. Reporters are busy and are likely to hit delete if they see a novel in their inbox. Don’t spend time on fluff. Your note should be clear and concise.

  • Make it personal. If it’s your first time reaching out to a particular journalist, take a line or two to say hello and introduce yourself. Show the reporter you know their work by referencing an earlier piece they wrote that relates to your pitch.

  • Do your research. Don’t you hate it when you get an email that’s completely unrelated to you, your work, or your day-to-day? Journalists don’t like it either. Take the time to do some digging and make sure the reporter covers the topic that you are pitching.

  • Proofread your work. It sounds simple, but a rogue typo can immediately turn a journalist off to your note, no matter how compelling your pitch. Along the same lines, double check that you have spelled their name correctly. Believe it or not, it happens!

  • Follow up appropriately. Your follow-up strategy and timing can sometimes be more important than the initial pitch itself. If a pitch gets no response, wait a few days and then follow up. Be mindful of current events and happenings that may be taking priority in the news cycle. Try offering new information or linking your pitch to what’s happening in the news. Be helpful, not pushy.

Looking to build a solid public relations strategy for your business? The Social Ape Marketing team can help! Contact us today to get started on your next PR campaign.

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