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It’s no secret that social media has forever changed the PR and marketing landscape. On top of enabling brands and target customers to directly interact, the rise of influencer marketing has also allowed these same companies to develop loyal brand advocates out of the internet’s favorite bloggers and influencers.

Businesses are taking note of the power of influencer marketing and adjusting their marketing budgets accordingly. Here are a few reasons your business may want to consider investing in an influencer marketing plan in 2019:

Builds Credibility and Trust

People follow their favorite influencers and bloggers for a reason. They trust in and respect the content they’re seeing from them. This allows for a more authentic experience and puts the brands they partner with directly in front of an extremely engaged audience.

Easy on the Wallet

While it’s true that the cost of influencer marketing is on the rise, it’s still relatively budget-friendly compared to other marketing strategies. Instagram stories, in particular, are an effective way for your business to utilize influencers when you may be working with a smaller budget.

Allows for Niche Marketing

Brands know that content will be placed directly in front of their target audience if they’re finding the right fit for partnerships. The influencer has already done the work in curating the ideal audience for their particular niche, so it’s a given that the brand’s message is relevant and will provide value.

Improves SEO Ranking

Blog posts written by influencers are effective in boosting a businesses’ SEO. Influencers have built up libraries of relevant content containing appropriate keywords. Blog posts can also create strong backlinks that assist with SEO efforts while also driving website traffic.

More Effective than Ads

The beauty of influencer marketing is that followers have opted into seeing content from their favorites. The perk here? Collaborations, when executed properly, feel authentic and organic and bypass the jarring nature of some traditional advertisements.

Are you ready to see how influencer marketing can positively impact your business’ growth in 2019? Let the Social Ape Marketing team help. Contact us to get started!

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