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The right Google Chrome extensions can have a big impact on your productivity, helping to better manage your browsing, your planning, your content creation efforts and more. Take a look at the best extensions suited to what you need below!

Manage Your Email

Inbox When Ready For Gmail – Snooze an email to temporarily remove it from your inbox and return at the time you set it.

Hiver – Enables collaboration on shared email accounts through notes, labels and assigned tasks.



Browsing The Web

Just Read – Removes distractions like page styling, ads, pop-ups, and comments, allowing you to focus on what you wanted to read.

Stay Focused – Restricts the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites. Once your allotted time has been used up, the site will be inaccessible for the rest of the day.



Manage Your Tasks

Todoist – An easy way to create task lists with reminders, allowing you to set due dates and even recurring deadlines.

Google Calendar – Gives you access to Google Calendar to add events without navigating away from your current webpage or opening a new tab.



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