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Public Relations is a field that is constantly evolving. While the goal of building trust and relationships with audiences, journalists, and clients is still the intention, the trends to help to reach those objectives shift over time. Staying on top of the latest trends puts you on track for a successful PR campaign.

Check out our predictions for 2019 PR trends below!

More Influencer Marketing

Expect the continued rise of Influencer Marketing (and also the rise of their pricing). 2018 brought a lot of light to the impacts and value of influencer marketing and businesses can expect to see those relationships evolve even more in the new year. Additionally, we can expect to see PR agencies forming more influencer partnerships who will act as loyal advocates for clients.

Rise of Content Marketing

Content Marketing has always been hanging around, but expect to see it employed more intentionally with Public Relations in 2019. Content Marketing enables businesses and brands the opportunity to create trust among their audiences through blog content, newsletters, website copy, email marketing, and social media campaigns. When used in conjunction with PR, content marketing helps to build trust with your audience.

Focus on Media Metrics

With an increase in measuring digital ROI, both clients and PR pros will focus more on the performance of the pitches that are sent out. With PR pros being aware of the goals of the editors and media contacts that they are sending content to (think page views, social shares, etc.), they will increase their chances of not only getting a placement but also building a relationship with media contacts.

The Challenge of Fake News

The unfortunate reality of 2019 is that it is challenging for the media to gain (and keep) the trust of their readers. By continuing to recognize the pressure that journalists are under, understand what audiences are looking for in the sources that they trust and use storytelling to humanize brands, PR pros will be able to ease those trust pain points as we head into the new year.

Increased Focus on Authenticity & Corporate Social Responsibility

In 2019, PR pros should be paying attention to promoting positive initiatives for the brands they represent, such as social and environmental issues. Audiences want to feel connected to brands and businesses that care about the issues they care about. Additionally, in a world of automation and tech, audiences crave authenticity from the brands and businesses they support.

Are you ready to create a robust PR plan for your business in 2019? Contact us to start the conversation!

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