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We’re thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Social Ape team, Anna Rich. Anna is our newest Communications Specialist and will be working closely with clients to help increase their brand awareness through public relations and events.

We asked Anna a few questions so that you can get to know her a bit better. Welcome to the team, Anna!


Where are you from? How long have you lived in Charlotte?

I was born and raised in Charlotte. My parents still live in the same house that I came home from the hospital to. I’ve been away for about a decade, in between college at Wake Forest University and living in Washington, D.C. for the past five years after graduation. I’m excited to be back! I love Charlotte because it has all the offerings of a big city but still feels like the comfortable, homey place that I grew up in. 


Who is someone you admire, and why?

My parents. When they first married, they lived in Indianapolis and then Denver, far from family, and just had each other to rely on when raising two young kids (my older siblings). They’ve been married 40 years and have set a great precedent for my own marriage as we just crossed the one year mark. 


Finish this sentence. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me…

During the fall, you can find me sipping coffee while watching college football highlights and prepping for the Panthers game. When it’s not fall, my routine is pretty much the same – just add Food Network into the equation. Pancakes, too.


Your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?

-Harry Potter series (Cliche I know, but I re-read the whole series at least once a year and find new details every time)

-Jane Eyre (There’s a reason it’s a classic)

-The Devil in the White City (Or any good historical fiction) 


Outside of work, what do you do in your spare time?

Hang out with my husband, Graham, and our chocolate lab, Nola. We enjoy getting out and exploring, whether that be hiking, going to a museum, or visiting a local fair/festival. I’m also a big football fan (Go Deacons and Panthers!) and love traveling and trying new recipes in the kitchen.”

You can read Anna’s professional bio HERE.

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