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It is no surprise that social media will drive you ROI if done correctly. According to Quick Sprout, 74% of marketers saw an increase in traffic after spending just 6 hours per week on social media and 78% of Americans say social media impacts their purchasing decisions.

A social media content calendar should:

  • Help develop your editorial strategy

  • Cut extra time out of your content marketing strategy and help you allocate your resources wisely

  • Help you consistently publish high-quality, performing content pieces

  • Organize the way you curate and create content

Why your business needs a social media content calendar

  1. It helps you keep track of what’s performing, so you can upkeep your content quality and consistency.


    • Perform routine checks on what kind of content your audience is interested in

    • Make regular adjustments based on these insights

    • Schedule specific times throughout the month to reevaluate your content and how it performs

    • Use this info to adjust your publishing schedule and social media content

  2. It keeps your channels from poorly timed posts and missing posting dates.


    • Populate your content calendar with all the dates important to your business

    • Schedule out content for these important dates in advanced

    • Schedule content to go out on holidays that may affect your business

  3. Prevents you from posting poorly researched and written posts

    Fast Company surveyed 330 people on the most annoying thing on social media. 32.4% said “poorly written posts” are the most annoying thing.


    • Schedule your publish date for your content and assign tasks to your content creator in advance, this allows for sufficient time to do proper research

    • Add protocol for proofreading for quality control

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