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Type Mode in Stories

Got something to say? With Instagram’s ‘Type Mode,’ users can share whatever is on their minds in Stories, without the need of a photo or video. The feature is similar in design to the Facebook option that lets you accentuate text-only posts with large fonts and colorful backgrounds.


When you open the camera, you’ll see “Type” next to “Normal” under the record button. Swipe over to “Type,” tap the screen to open the keyboard. and write whatever comes to mind. Tap the colorful circle on the left side of the screen to play around with the available background colors and fonts. Finish up by adding stickers, GIFs, or a background photo via the camera icon. Like anything else in stories, content made with “Type Mode” will disappear after 24 hours.


A little behind with the newest smartphone technology? TechCrunch confirmed that Instagram is testing a new camera format called “Focus.” Instagram states that they are “testing a camera format that lets you easily capture artistic quality photos and video, as another way to improve the experience on Instagram and make it easier to share everyday moments with the people that matter to you.” 


Many phones like newer age iPhone’s and Google’s Pixel 2 have a portrait mode built into the camera. Focus gives users the power and capabilities of these cameras from any device. To access it (rolled out to a small number of users in Stories,) open your Instagram camera and swipe over to “Focus” mode. Users are then asked to start by centering the camera on the subject. Then, the background will blur and you can capture the image. 

Saved Posts/Collections

Stumble upon an amazing photo or piece of content that you don’t want to forget? Or maybe you could use some inspirational ideas or moods that can help you do a better job. Instagram’s “Bookmark” feature lets you save posts that you’d like to revisit later. 

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To use it, just tap the bookmark image at the bottom right of any post and it will be stored in your ‘Saved’ section of your profile (also a bookmark icon). You can also add any bookmark to your “Collections” tab (a great place to organize your content,) located in the “Saved” section of your profile. 


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