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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the beating heart of modern life, revolutionizing how we interact with technology and access enlightening information. Like a digital co-pilot guiding us through the vast skies of data, AI is the key that unlocks new levels of productivity, decision-making, and creativity across various fields, helping us navigate the complex terrain of everyday challenges. With over 10 million daily users engaging with ChatGPT alone, the drumbeat of AI’s significance in everyday life is louder than ever, resonating with users around the globe and demonstrating its vast potential that touches every corner of our world.

As useful and important a tool as it is, AI can be harmful to your brand if misused. Reread the opening paragraph of this post. Notice anything specific? The entire first section of this blog feature was written entirely using AI. Let’s walk through a few key giveaways of AI-generated content and things to avoid to make AI more personalized.

One of the first things to look out for when personalizing AI is the use of over-exaggerated metaphors and analogies. While these can add interest to writing when used correctly, they often lack a genuine human touch. For example from the opening paragraph, phrases like “beating heart of modern life” or “AI is the key” can sound overdone. Analogies like “like a digital co-pilot guiding us through the vast skies of data” make the content feel disconnected.

Another way to identify AI-generated content is by looking for words that people don’t typically use in everyday speech. Words like “delve,” “underscores,” “terrain,” “crucial,” “leverage,” “unleash,” and “foster” are not necessarily incorrect, but when they’re used too often or altogether, it can feel unnatural. The key is to aim for a more conversational and straightforward style that reflects how people speak.

Checking for repetitive sentence structures or phrases can be another way to personalize AI. For instance, AI content often starts with phrases like “it’s important to remember” or “in today’s ever-evolving landscape.” These phrases tend to lack the authenticity that readers look for. 

And if in doubt, try reading your work out loud or even to an audience. Hearing the words spoken can help you determine if the tone feels natural and aligns with your brand. 

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