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With the various stay-at-home orders and the inability to meet others face to face, it can be hard to network with others in your preferred field. Technology usage is at an all-time high during this time and can be incredibly useful to network while still practicing social distancing. We’ve found a few ways that you can network and meet a broad range of people that could be beneficial to your career.

  1. Work on your social network

    Start posting more to your Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. Twitter has become more of a networking site for marketing individuals whereas LinkedIn has gravitated to the finance industry. Post links to stories that you find interesting and post often. Because Twitter is such a conversational platform, you never know who you may strike up a conversation with.

2. Update your LinkedIn profile

Update your LinkedIn profile picture to make sure it’s professional and welcoming. The best thing about LinkedIn is not only being able to connect with individuals around the world, but also seeing who others are connected with. If you discover someone who may be a good person to network with, reach out to them directly by sending a LinkedIn message asking to set up a phone or Zoom call to learn more about the role within their company.

3. Reach out to old connections

While we may not be able to attend trade shows or happy hours, it may be a good idea to reach out to people you’ve connected with in the past. During this time, reaching out to old friends or colleagues could mean a lot to those who are missing in-person interaction.

4. Set up a virtual happy hour

Setting up a virtual happy hour has never been easier due to the advances in technology. Using Google Hangouts, Zoom, Skype or HouseParty are all great platforms to set up this happy hour with clients, co-workers or new connections that you have made. Use this time to catch up, talk about life and work with a glass of water, soda, or wine in your hands. You can even do fun games to help make it a fun night had by all.

5. Be flexible with your time

If you try to reach out to someone on Monday and they don’t get back to you until Thursday, understand that everyone is dealing with these times differently. This will help in strengthening your connections and helping you make even more valuable connections.

Networking during this unprecedented time can be difficult. Using the tips above and being creative with your approach can help to propel your career.

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