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With COVID-19, working from home, and having more time on your hands, now may be a good time to read personal development books that are sure to improve your career but also your personal life. We’ve rounded up six of our favorite personal development books that you’ll be sure to love!

1. Girl Wash Your Face – Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis encourages readers to go beyond their limiting self-beliefs and embrace an empowering mindset. She creates a list of what she believes people should do in order to live the best life they can. They include: choose to be happy, build people up and don’t tear them down, respect yourself to have people respect you, and don’t make yourself small to make others comfortable. This book is sure to motivate you to make changes in your life for the better. You can find this book here.

2. Everything Is Figureoutable – Marie Forleo

Marie Foreleo was once thought to be the next Oprah, even having her own TV show. She uses her life experiences to help others by having this book be all about changing your mind for the better by using mantras. Some key points she uses in her book are: train your mind for growth- shift from “this won’t work for me” to “how can this work for me”, Refuse to be refused- “persistence in the face of resistance”, and Eliminate Excuses: “If its important enough, I’ll make the time. If not, I’ll make an excuse”. This book is truly eye opening for not only career growth but personal growth. You can find this book here.

3. Care To Lead: How To Master And Implement Four Keys To Leadership: Communication, Accountability, Relationships and Example of Excellence – Alec McGalliard

Alec McGalliard comes up with four key points on how to tackle the tough task of leadership. Through these four key points, he gives insights on how to self reflect in order to follow the CARE guidelines. Alec’s four keys to leadership go beyond the workplace environment and can be used in everyday life. You can find this book here.

4. Choose Wonder Over Worry: Move Beyond Fear and Doubt To Unlock Your Full Potential – Amber Rae

Thought of as the “Elizabeth Gilbert of her generation”, Amber Rae writes about how to move past the worry about “what if this doesn’t work” and instead uses those emotions to propel towards greatness. A few points Amber makes in this book is how to turn envy into inspiration, the difference between “getting ahead” and “coming alive” and how to create success on your terms, and how to overcome the habit we spend the majority of our time on: worrying. This book is bound to help move you beyond the worrisome lifestyle everyone is living and propel you to greater heights. You can find this book here.

5. The Science Of Getting Started: How To Beat Procrastination, Summon Productivity, and Stop Self-Sabotage – Patrick King

Author Patrick King is an international best selling author and a well known entrepreneur. He wrote this book about how to monitor your work ethic, how to structure your schedule and life against procrastination and more. He uses a variety of sources to show how his tips are useful by using scientific research, coaching, real life experience, and academic experience. He has battled this monster of procrastination and uses his experiences to help you in this book! You can find this book here.

6. Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy The Odds – David Goggins

Author David Goggins is a retired US Navy SEAL, and the only way he could become a SEAL was to lose 100 pounds in less than three months. And that hard feat was accomplished by mastering his mind and putting all his attention into bettering himself, his body, and his mind. Now, Goggins is an ultramarathon runner, retired US Navy SEAL, former Guinness World Record Holder, and a warrior. He uses his life experiences from an abusive childhood to impoverished adolescence and what methods he used to overcome every hurdle he faced. While his story is heartbreaking, his tools and tips he used to help move him to where he wanted to be in life, is nothing short of amazing and inspiring. You can find this book here.

These personal development books can help to improve your life in 2020, whether it be to help you to become a better leader, friend or boss. Bonus: All of these books are available on amazon as well. Happy reading!

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