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Meet the Media Monday: Katie Peralta of The Charlotte Observer

It’s time for another Meet the Media Monday! The series features a brief Q&A with leading Charlotte journalists as we get to know the faces behind the stories that matter most in the Queen City. This week, we chat with Katie Peralta of The Charlotte Observer.

Katie Peralta is one of Charlotte’s leading business journalists, having written about everything from new business openings and NASCAR to the Carolina Panthers. We caught up with Katie over coffee at one of our favorite local spots, Sunflour Baking Company, to discuss the Charlotte journalism scene, tips for staying focused and everything in between.

  • What’s the craziest story you’ve ever covered?

    • KP: “The Panthers ownership drama. It wasn’t just one story and we weren’t the first to break the news. When Jerry Richardson was accused and everything that came after that…that series of stories.”

  • If you could write for any publication what would it be?

    • KP: “The New Yorker.”

  • Something people would be surprised to learn about you?

    • KP: “I lived in Spain for a year in college. I’m going back in six days for a trip! I wouldn’t live there, but it taught me how much I take for granted here.”

  • If you weren’t a journalist what would you be?

    • KP: “Probably an attorney. I would make more money, but probably be less happy.”

  • What attracted you to journalism?

    • KP: “Initially, I wanted to have an activity in college. I felt like I was missing a piece of something. I saw a classified ad in college for the Notre Dame Observer and that’s how I got started. My mom was also a professional writer!”

  • What are the challenges you face being a journalist in 2019?

    • KP: “Lack of resources is the biggest one. The newspaper industry is facing continuously declining print revenue. It’s difficult to adhere to certain standards if you’re part of a chain. The fact that people blame the media…we’re good about admitting when we’re wrong.”

  • What’s your favorite social media platform? (both professionally and personally)

    • KP: “Professionally, Twitter. Personally, Instagram.”

  • How long have you lived in Charlotte? What brought you here?

    • KP: “I moved in 2005 for my dad’s job. I went to college a year later, came back six months after graduating college, then I went to Chicago, then D.C. and I was back in Charlotte for good in 2015.”

  • What’s your favorite activity in Charlotte?

    • KP: “The breweries. Walking my dog. Being with my family (my cousins live here too) and cooking.”

  • What’s one thing you could change about Charlotte?

    • KP: “A train that went in more directions.”

  • What has surprised you the most about Charlotte?

    • KP: “How welcoming people are to newcomers (in a good way). People take pride in the city, people aren’t put into silos and there’s an eagerness to form communities.”

  • What’s your favorite season in Charlotte and why?

    • KP: “Fall! Because I hate the humidity and have no patience for how Southerners handle snow (haha).”

  • Advice to aspiring journalists?

    • KP: “Be deliberate and know what you want to do or be clear about what you want to cover. Be realistic.”

  • Favorite restaurant in CLT?

    • KP: “Good Food on Montford, Alexander Michael’s, and NoDa Bodega.”

Want to learn more about The Charlotte Observer? Head to their website or follow along on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook for the latest.

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